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Regular Meeting 2/4/02


Minutes Page 1  February 4, 2002

TOWN COUNCIL - Regular Meeting
Council Chambers - South Windsor Town Hall

Members Present:        Mayor William Aman
Deputy Mayor Matthew Streeter
Councillor Barbara Barbour
Councillor Paul Burnham
Councillor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Deborah Fine
Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Marianne Lassman Fisher
Councillor John Pelkey

Also Present:   Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
        Town Attorney Barry D. Guliano

The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Aman at 8:05 p.m. and was immediately recessed in order to finish the Work Session.  The Regular Meeting was reconvened at 8:45 p.m.

5.      Public Input

The following individuals came forward to address the problem of parking by High School students.  

Joyce Fontana, 124 Rockledge Drive
Laura Rowley, 80 McGrath Road
George Castro, 65 Collins Crossing

Mayor Aman said that he had received calls from residents of Collins Crossing concerning the students parking on that street.  He explained that there are not enough parking spaces at the Community Center to accommodate the seniors who attend programs, as well as the over-flow of students from the high school.  He said discussions have occurred between the Police Department and the Board of Education concerning the paved portion of the lot at Duprey Field.  There is a problem with that site because there is no direct sidewalk connection between the school and the lot.  

Mr. Galligan explained that several alternatives are being examined as a permanent solution and that safety is a major concern.  At this time, the Nevers Road lot can be used because there is a sidewalk and a defined crosswalk at that location.

Councillor Lassman Fisher emphasized that the ultimate answer will come from the Board of Education, the group authorized to make the decision.

There was a question with regard to signs which had been posted at the Community Center referencing a particular ordinance which banned parking there.  Atty. Guliano said he had very briefly viewed the ordinance and explained that it is a general ordinance, which says that you can not park vehicles on public property unless it is expressly authorized.  He said he could provide a better answer once he had an opportunity to review it further.  

6.      Environmental Health & Safety Message - None

7.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings

Motion to accept the Minutes of the following Town Council meetings:  Regular Meeting of December 3, 2001; Regular Meeting of December 17, 2001; Work Session of January 7, 2002; Public Hearing of January 7, 2002; Regular Meeting of January 7, 2002; and Work Session of January 22, 2002.

Made by:                        Councillor Delinicki
Seconded by:            Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was:         Approved, unanimously

8.      Public Petitions - None

9.      Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council - None

10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager

Mr. Galligan asked the Town Attorney to address the Council regarding the war memorabilia.  Atty. Guliano reported that the appraisal report had been expected last week.  He had e-mailed Mr. Woods and would follow up with a telephone call in an attempt to get that report and schedule the appraiser for the next Council meeting.

Mr. Galligan then reported on the following items:

1.      He had sent a letter today to Mr. Wright of CRRA concerning the scheduling of a meeting to address the proposed increase in tipping fees for trash disposal

Councillor Delnicki suggested that a letter also be sent to each member of the Board of Directors of CRRA.  He also suggested that the Town Manager attend a regularly scheduled meeting of CRRA.

The negotiations for the purchase of the Foster Farm are proceeding nicely.

He is hoping to discuss space needs and come to some resolution concerning the issues.

Deputy Mayor Streeter suggested that the members of the disbanded committee schedule time together.  Mayor Aman indicated that the group can be deemed a
Regarding strategic planning, another
Checks have been going to member communities from Blue Cross/Blue Shield.  South Windsor has met all conditions except one - the timeframe during which South Windsor was a member.  A meeting is scheduled with Blue Cross/Blue Shield, during which he hopes to receive some answers.

11.     Reports from Standing Committees
12.     Reports of Temporary Committees - None

Communications and Petitions from Council

Mayor Aman noted that he has received correspondence from residents concerning bus routes.  He asked the Town Manager to draft a resolution which would indicate the Council
Mr. Galligan said a regional plan was being discussed in order to convince the Connecticut bus company and the State to create a
Councillor Delnicki spoke of the Municipal CEO Domestic Preparedness Training Symposium sponsored by the Governor
Deputy Mayor Streeter questioned the Town Attorney regarding the issue of the IRS and abatements for the Volunteer Fire Department.  Atty. Guliano responded that he had met with the Town Manager and the Finance Director and it had been decided to get the Audit Committee involved.  He felt that a tax attorney would be retained.

Mayor Aman noted that the Council packets contained his request for the Town Attorney to look at the Town Charter regarding referendum by the Town and the right of initiative of the citizens and how they tie in with Evergreen Walk.  

Public Participation

Library Director Mary Etter spoke of the success of the first
Consent Agenda

Motion to approve Agenda Items 16. A., B., C., and D. as the Consent Agenda.

Made by:                        Councillor Barbour
Seconded by:            Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was:         Approved, unanimously

16.     Unfinished Business

*A.     Appointment of Edwina Futtner (R) as an Alternate to the Historic District Commission

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Edwina Futtner as an Alternate to the Historic District Commission to fill a vacancy whose term ends November 30, 2002.


*B.     Appointment of Walter J. Fitzpatrick (R) as an Alternate to the Historic District Commission

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Walter J. Fitzpatrick as an Alternate to the Historic District Commission for a term ending November 30, 2006.


*C.     Appointment of Donald H. Gates (R) as an alternate to the Inland-Wetlands Agency.

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Donald H. Gates as an Alternate to the Inland-Wetlands Agency to fill a vacancy whose term ends December 1, 2003.


16.     *D.     Appointment of Matthew Davis (R) to the Water Pollution Control Authority

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Matthew Davis to the Water Pollution Control Authority for a term ending November 30, 2007.


E.      Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Execute a Partial Release of a Conservation Easement at Westview Office Park.

WHEREAS, the owners of Westview Office Park are requesting a partial release of a Conservation Easement on their property at Westview Office park to allow them to provide fifteen (15) new parking spaces at the northerly end of the site, all of which are along the property
WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was scheduled on this request, pursuant to the Town of South Windsor
WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was conducted on January 7, 2002, at which the public and the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the Inland/Wetlands Agency were given an opportunity to provide input to the Town Council

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to said Ordinance, the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes the Town Manager to execute a partial release of the Conservation Easement, as requested, in a form to be approved by the Town Attorney.

Made by:                        Deputy Mayor Streeter
Seconded by:            Councillor Delnicki

16.     E.      (Continued)

Deputy Mayor Streeter noted that the last time this issue was raised, the Town Attorney had been asked to supply information.  Atty. Guliano said that he had previously indicated that he thought it best to prepare a report with a thorough history of that property, and he said the report should be completed in time to get it in the Council
A motion to table the resolution was made by Councillor Barbour; the motion was duly seconded by Councillor Pelkey and was unanimously approved.

17.     New Business

A.      Resolution Approving the Refund of Property Taxes to Fourteen (14) South Windsor Taxpayers

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves a refund of property taxes to Fourteen (14) South Windsor taxpayers, said refund totaling $3,351.46 and as shown on Attached Exhibit A.

Made by:                        Councillor Burnham
Seconded by:            Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was:         Approved, unanimously

B.      Discussion Item
Mr. Galligan stated that departmental revenue does not drastically fluctuate.  With regard to aid, the Governor
Mr. Galligan briefly reviewed numbers on the
Summarizing, Mayor Aman said that last year the Town had $65.3 million, and without a tax increase the Town would have $67.6 million this year.  Anything spent above the $2.3 million would be paid for by South Windsor taxpayers.  Mr. Galligan then noted the Summary of the Prior Five Budgets,
17.     C.      Discussion Item - Grand Opening Celebrations for Renovated Veterans Memorial Park (See attached Exhibit D)

Asst. Director of Recreation Michael McCarty opened the discussion by bringing the Council
Mr. McCarty said that, as a part of the celebration, they would like each member of the Town Council to host a specific weekend of choice, giving the members an opportunity to be a key part of the activities.  

The Resolution on the agenda this evening was to approve the funding for the first four weekends of the VMP grand opening.  When asked how many people they anticipate the first weekend, Mr. McCarty said that the maximum number of people which can be handled at one given time is 1,500, and they expect that throughout each day of the first weekend.  

Mr. McCarty stated that, if the Recreation Department hit the revenue of $5,000 which was expected for the
There were concerns expressed by several Council members with regard to the high cost of the grand opening, and they said they could not support this appropriation.

Mayor Aman asked that the Recreation Department re-examine this proposal and see if they could reduce the costs.

When asked about the renovations to VMP, Mr. Galligan stated that the project is currently $10,000 to $15,000 under budget.  It was his feeling that it would come in at budget.  If it did come in under budget, Mr. Galligan explained that because it was bond money, it would either be put into debt service or another capital project.

17.     C.      (Continued)

Mr. McCarty was asked if funds could be used from the Department
Mr. McCarty emphasized that they would be bringing in their entire staff for the weekend.

D.      Resolution Approving the Transfer of $21,948 from Contingency Account to 2001/2002 Recreation Administration Budget Account for Costs Associated with the Grand Opening of Pool at VMP

WHEREAS, the newly renovated pool at Veterans
WHEREAS, the Town wishes to commemorate this great event with a season-long Grand Opening celebration which will begin June 8, 2002 and will continue each weekend through August 31, 2002; and

WHEREAS, the total estimated costs associated with the celebration are $30,365 of which $21,948 is related to the expenses for four (4) weekends in June 2002, and $8,417 is associated with the remaining weekends that occur after July 1, 2002

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a transfer of $21,948 from Contingency Account Number 1910-9001-390 to Recreation Administration Professional Account Number 1511-5112-320 to cover the Fiscal Year 2001-2002 costs associated with the Grand Opening of the Pool at Veterans
Made by:                        Councillor Lassman Fisher
Seconded by:            Deputy Mayor Streeter

17.     D.      (Continued)

A motion was made by Councillor Pelkey to table the Resolution.  The motion to table was seconded by Deputy Mayor Streeter, and it was unanimously approved.

E.      Resolution Adopting a Strategic Planning Policy

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council has established a Strategic Planning process that will be used to guide public officers, officials, employees, members of the Community in coordinating the many planning and governing activities that affect South Windsor
WHEREAS, the Strategic Planning Core Group has been charged by the South Windsor Town Council with the task of developing a Strategic Planning process for the Town; and

WHEREAS, the Strategic Planning Core Group has prepared such a plan and a policy statement supporting the plan; and

WHEREAS, the Town Council wishes to reinforce its commitment to the Strategic Planning efforts of the Town and its Boards, Commissions and employees;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby adopts the Town of South Windsor Strategic Planning Policy.

Made by:                        Councillor Pelkey
Seconded by:            Deputy Mayor Streeter
The Motion was:         Approved, unanimously

18.     Passage of Ordinance
19.     Communications and Petitions from Council (Continued)
20.     Executive Session
21.     Adjournment

A motion to adjourn was made at 10:30 p.m.  It was duly seconded and was unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Merlyn P. Guild
Assistant to the Clerk of the Council

Attachments (4)